Monday, December 5, 2011

Ah, But He Gets Paid For That

I wake up in the morning these days and think, "But I'm never going to have time to write, find a job, and work out as much as Pablo Sandoval."

As much as it stings, this is true for a very good reason--Pablo gets PAID to be in shape.  Quite a bit of money, as it turns out.

So I have to be happy with taking on a slice of his inspiration and working out where I can.  This morning I walked to the library and grocery store, and then took another walk in the afternoon to warm up and stay active.  I can hope to stay healthy, not be stacked with muscle like the Panda Bear.

The City is creeping into winter, even if we don't have fog or rain (yet).  I freeze inside at 1:30 pm with the sunlight coming into my window, and I know that with this latitude sooner or later not even the California Great Burning Ball of Fire in the Sky was going to keep me warm.  So the walks to and around the Music Concourse during the day serve multi-purposes:

  • Get in the real sun = a little warmth
  • Get the blood moving = more warmth
  • Burn calories = Part of the plan
I'll start with that.  I have to be happy with that.  Unless someone wants to pay me to run and lift weights all day--but I think I was there and left that in April.  

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